Nepal – the country of the Buddha and the Mt. Everest

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without – Buddha

Some More About Youngest Singer Atithi

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on July 20, 2010

How do you think a three-year-old spends his or her days? Play, do some mischief, and worry the mother all the time. But for Atithi Gautam K.C., that is not enough; she has much more to do.

Her voice hasn’t broken properly yet, but she sings wonderfully. She started playing the piano when she was just ten months old and started singing at the age of two. She is probably the youngest singer to have released an album in the world today, with her solo album Atithi being released on Sunday in Kathmandu. Till now, Cleopatra Stratan from Romania is the youngest singer, at the age of four. Atithi’s father, Uddhab, said the process for applying to the world record has begun, and Atithi will be the youngest singer in the world soon.  

Veteran singer Amber Gurung, who launched the album, was immensely surprised by Atithi’s talent. “I have been involved in the music industry for so many years but I have never seen someone so unbelievable,” he said. Not only him, but also the entire audience was perplexed by Atithi’s talent. “She was much into music since the time she learnt how to speak. She saw her elder sister, Ushna, singing and developed a similar interest,” said Uddhab. A singer himself, Uddhab is happy that both his daughters have ventured into music.

Atithi is a collection of nine songs. The album begins with Nepal’s national anthem followed by the songs Sare Gama, Jasto Basayo Ustai Bascha and Ka Kha Ga ABC. The music for the album was composed by Joogle Dangol. Journalist Ghanshyam Khadka, poet Arjun Parajuli and lawyer Binod Rokka have written the songs. A music video directed by Dabbu Kshetri has also been made which features Atithi herself. A documentary based on Atithi’s singing talent was also screened at the event.

The event was important in two ways. First, it showcased the talent of a little girl. Secondly, the program created history by bringing two different generations of the Nepali music industry together. One of the eldest artistes from the industry Amber Gurung, and the youngest singer Atithi, were on the same stage making the day even more glorious. ekantipur

To have more information about this little wonderful girl, please go through these clips:

Clip 1


One Response to “Some More About Youngest Singer Atithi”

  1. wonderful ,the next songbird of the world..lets give her support

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