Nepal – the country of the Buddha and the Mt. Everest

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without – Buddha

Posts Tagged ‘Spiritual Inquiry’

Where Do Spirituality and Activism Meet?

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on October 14, 2010

Huffington Post By Alison Rose Levy*

Somewhere the underlying curiosity and the investigative spirit — shared by the journalist, the scientist and the seeker — meet.

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious,” Albert Einstein wrote to a friend, I learned from Arnold Mindell, Ph.D., a Jungian analyst. As a journalist, I can say exactly the same thing. So in this contribution to the Ervin Laszlo Forum on Science & Spirituality, I’ll share the questions I am curious about, and invite your answers — and your questions.

The reason I do this is because I’ve noticed an irony, which is that when the scientist or the journalist finds answers, the answers must remain open, serving as doorways to further questions that naturally arise in their wake. Without this openness to further questions, these answers, whether scientific findings, reports on slices of reality, or certitudes about how things work, may over time crystallize, become opaque, and begin to function as obstacles, blocking further inquiry into the essence of ever-evolving change in the now. Read the rest of this entry »

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