Nepal – the country of the Buddha and the Mt. Everest

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without – Buddha

Gurkhas ‘Set To Be Hit Hardest By Defence Cuts’

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on January 13, 2012

The government’s “shoddy” treatment of Gurkhas was criticised by Labour on Friday, as reports suggested they will be hit by the latest defence cuts.


The BBC reported the Nepalese infantrymen will bear the brunt of the 5,000 Ministry of Defence (MoD) redundancies, due to be announced on Tuesday.


It is feared the Royal Gurkha Rifles, who have served alongside the British Army for almost 200 years, will be disproportionately affected relative to their ranks, which total 3,500.


Shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy said in a statement: “This is a shoddy way to treat those who have shown years of bravery for our country.


“This is the second painful cut the Gurkhas have had to endure in just a few months.


“David Cameron talked a lot in opposition about his pride in the Gurkhas, yet they are now bearing the brunt of his rushed defence review.”


An MoD spokesperson said following 2010’s strategic defence and security review (SDSR) “difficult decisions” had to be made.


“Reducing numbers through redundancy is essential if we are to have smaller Armed Forces that deliver the best possible operational capability.


“We need to structure our forces to ensure they are sufficiently flexible and adaptable to meet the demands of an uncertain future.”

@ HuffingtonPost

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