Nepal – the country of the Buddha and the Mt. Everest

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Posts Tagged ‘Philip Hammond’

Olympic Security: SEND IN THE TROOPS

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on July 12, 2012

Theresa May has told MPs angry over the Olympics “security shambles” that the government was only made aware of gaps in the number of guards provided by G4S on Wednesday.

The home secretary told the Commons that ministers had been receiving assurances from G4S over the last few days, but the “absolute gap in the numbers was only crystallised finally yesterday”.

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond has confirmed that an extra 3,500 troops will be deployed to cover the Games, many of whom are supposed to be on leave after returning from Afghanistan.

Keith Vaz, the Labour chairman of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, told May: “G4S has let the country down and we have literally had to send in the troops.”

phillip hammond

Philip Hammond is shown the operation of troops during an Olympic security exercise

Yvette Cooper accused Theresa May of “another Home Office shambles.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Gurkhas ‘Set To Be Hit Hardest By Defence Cuts’

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on January 13, 2012

The government’s “shoddy” treatment of Gurkhas was criticised by Labour on Friday, as reports suggested they will be hit by the latest defence cuts.


The BBC reported the Nepalese infantrymen will bear the brunt of the 5,000 Ministry of Defence (MoD) redundancies, due to be announced on Tuesday.


It is feared the Royal Gurkha Rifles, who have served alongside the British Army for almost 200 years, will be disproportionately affected relative to their ranks, which total 3,500.


Shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy said in a statement: “This is a shoddy way to treat those who have shown years of bravery for our country.


“This is the second painful cut the Gurkhas have had to endure in just a few months. Read the rest of this entry »

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London 2012 Olympics To Be Protected By 13,500 Armed Forces Personnel

Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on December 15, 2011

Around 13,500 armed forces personnel will deployed to defend the London Olympics, the Ministry of Defence has announced.

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said on Thursday that he expected 7,500 soldiers to be stationed around the Olympic venues in the capital itself, while the remainder provide security across the rest of the country at various events.

“This defence contribution is on a similar scale to that deployed at other recent Olympic Games and will contribute to ensuring a safe, secure and enjoyable 2012,” he said.

“Olympics. Defence will continue to be able to support current and contingent operations during the Games and my priority will remain the troops we have deployed on operations, including in Afghanistan, before, during and after the Olympics.”

There are currently between 9,500 and 10,000 British armed forces personnel deployed in Afghanistan.

There will also be a 1,000 strong rapid-reaction force ready to respond to emergency situations.

Hamond said the total venue guard-force would likely be around 23,700. The funding for security operations at London 2012 was recently doubled raising overall security costs for the 2012 games to more than 1 billion pounds

In addition to the troops, the Royal Navy’s largest warship HMS Ocean will be stationed in the Thames near Greenwhich as a helicopter landing platform and to provide security on the river.

HMS Bulwark meanwhile will patrol Weymouth Bay, providing security for the sailing competitions.

RAF Typhoon jets will also patrol London’s skies supported by helicopters from HMS Ocean and ground based air defence systems.

In November it was reported that the United States was considering sending 1,000 security agents, including 500 from the FBI, to protect its athletes and diplomats at the games.

According to the Guardian, Scotland Yard’s response to the summer riots undermined US officials’ confidence in the ability of Britain to police the Games.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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